Sarah Arnold-Hall

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The Unsexy Truth About Getting Unstuck

In 2018, whenever I came up against a problem in my business, instead of trying to find a creative solution to solve it – I would just change the problem I was dealing with.

No clients? Start a membership site! No members? Start a YouTube channel! No subscribers? Start a podcast! No podcast equipment? Join a gym!

I thought I was making progress, but I never actually created solutions – I just chose different problems.

I wish someone had told me this. In fairness, they probably did. (Sorry, Daniel!)

But I couldn’t see.

Because I was desperately focused on finding the magic pill – the one thing that would make my business take off.

The key I was missing was to be relentlessly resourceful.

In other words, the key is to keep coming up with new, creative ways to solve the obstacle you’re facing.

The keyword here is keep.

You can’t try a few things and then stop. You have to keep going until there’s a solution that works.

Thomas Edison tested over 1000 ideas to create the lightbulb before he came upon the one that worked.

Imagine if, after the first couple of ideas, he’d given up to try working on the telephone? Or the automobile?

Eventually, I figured out that I had to stick to one thing, and my business finally got off the ground.

But it could have been sooooooo much sooner.

So if I could go back, I would tell myself this unsexy truth:

Success will come when you are relentlessly resourceful about finding solutions to the ONE problem you're facing.

What is your ONE problem you are committed to solving?