I help people achieve impossible goals.

  • Entrepreneurship

    ✔️ Blog every day for 2 years
    (Completed July 2021)

    ✔️ Become my own boss full time
    (Completed Sept 2020)

    ✔️ Build a 6 figure/year business
    (Completed July 2021)

    ⚪️ Build a 7 figure/year business

    ✔️ 1000 subscribers on YouTube
    (Completed Nov 2021)

    ⚪️ 5000 subscribers on YouTube

    ✔️ Become a Certified High Performance Coach
    (Completed Nov 2018)

    ✔️ Coach an Olympic Athlete
    (Completed Aug 2022)


    ✔️ Do 20 push ups in a row
    (Completed October 2019)

    ✔️ Do 50 push ups in a row
    (Completed Jan 2020)


    ✔️ Climb Mt Kilimanjaro
    (Completed Sept 2011)

    ✔️ Hike to Everest Base Camp
    (Completed May 2007)


    ✔️ Speak on stage
    (Completed Nov 2022)

    ⚪️ Do a keynote on stage

    ✔️ Get a Psychology degree
    (Completed Oct 2017)

    ✔️ Dance in an on-stage Salsa Performance
    (Completed May 2024)

    ⚪️ Do a breakdancing windmill

    ⚪️ Master the moonwalk

    ⚪️ Compete in a Salsa competition

  • Updated 14th December 2024

    I’m about to open the doors to my next offer, and I couldn’t be more excited. This offer has been something I’ve wanted to create since the very beginning of my business (and actually tried to create in 2019, but my business wasn’t at the level to handle it yet).

    Goals I’m working on right now:

    My new offer

    7 figure business

    Building a community in Sydney

  • Hey! I’m Sarah.

    I set goals to feel alive.

    Sweaty palms.
    Racing heart.

    Can’t think of anything else.

    Combining my background in Psychology with my training as a High Performance Coach, I help ambitious entrepreneurs, creatives and athletes achieve their goals.

    l created this blog to share behind-the-scenes of my own goals and help you push your limits. I'm creating what I wish existed for me to consume.

    People often ask if I’ll climb Mt Everest like my parents did in the 90's (as depicted in the 2015 film, Everest).

    While I’ve done a little bit of mountaineering (Kilimanjaro in 2011 and Everest Base Camp in 2007) what most people don’t know is that my late dad was also an entrepreneur. I feel most connected to him through our shared love of entrepreneurship and attempting the impossible in all areas of life.

    Ready to do something impossible together?

    Click here to get coached by me.

Motivation delivered to your inbox

Mindset Sarah Arnold-Hall Mindset Sarah Arnold-Hall

Quote Day 1: It's Always Worse in My Mind

“Having cancer hasn’t been nearly as bad as worrying about getting it.”

“Having cancer hasn’t been nearly as bad as worrying about getting it.”

For the next seven days, I’m going to publish a series of my favourite quotes and what they mean to me.

Today, I’m choosing one that has recurringly relieved anxiety and stress.

This photo was published on the Humans of New York Facebook Page, along with a single sentence caption from the subject:

“Having cancer hasn’t been nearly as bad as worrying about getting it.”

While cancer specifically hasn’t been something I’ve frequently worried about, I find this quote helps a lot with other things I’ve worried about. When I read it, it reminds me that whatever I’m worried about is always worse in my imagination than it will be in real life.

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Goals Sarah Arnold-Hall Goals Sarah Arnold-Hall

Commit Harder by Uncommitting


“If I wasn’t already involved, how hard would I work to get involved now?” – Greg McKeown

One of my favourite authors, Greg McKeown, writes about the importance of uncommitting to things in order to commit more deeply to the goal that actually matters.

His advice isn’t to just go around uncommitting from everything, but to deliberately contemplate whether you would sign up for something again, if you weren’t already signed up right now.

So often for me, the answer is no.

So at the beginning of this week, I did a clear out of my calendar.

I rescheduled appointments that were too close together.

I questioned if I really needed to complete that annoying task this week (or ever?).

I rearranged my week as if I were scheduling it for my best friend.

Now I’m already looking forward to Monday.

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Goals Sarah Arnold-Hall Goals Sarah Arnold-Hall

Mastermind Round 2

Screen Shot 2021-05-08 at 1.09.21 AM.png

I’ve been waiting all week to find out if I got into my mastermind with my coach again.

I’m feeling joyous and relieved.

2021 feels like a good year to do some more impossible things!

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Habits Sarah Arnold-Hall Habits Sarah Arnold-Hall

Facebook Can Be Twitter


I’ve been spending way too much time trying to find photos of me to add to my social media posts.

This week I realised that my audience doesn’t care about the photo, they just want the value of the copy.

So I figured out I can use Facebook as if it’s Twitter, and just WRITE.

Might have seemed obvious 10 years ago when people just did status updates (and photos took 4 hours to load), but today, it seems revolutionary to me.

It’s already been a productivity game-changer.

What are your tiny productivity hacks? Let me know in the comments!

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Entrepreneurship Sarah Arnold-Hall Entrepreneurship Sarah Arnold-Hall

You Don’t Need Social Media to Run A Business


You don’t need social media to run your business.

Social media is just another way of connecting.

You can also connect offline.

The same principles apply.

Connect with people.

Add actual real value to their life.

Share how you can help them.

Don’t love social media? Totally okay!

Use the principles at a supermarket or train station instead.

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Entrepreneurship Sarah Arnold-Hall Entrepreneurship Sarah Arnold-Hall

Your Website Won't Make You Money


Your website is two things: a brochure and credit card processor.

It will not make you money.

Thinking it will make you money is like expecting an eftpos card machine to bring you customers.

YOU make the money. The website is an accessory.

My website was up for an entire year before I made a single dollar in my business, but I spent that entire year thinking that having a website would automatically bring success.

Once I stopped depending on external things to make me money: websites, funnels, social media, and started depending on adding value to people’s lives and solving problems, things started to change.

Create a website if you want one. Just remember that you’re the boss.

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Entrepreneurship Sarah Arnold-Hall Entrepreneurship Sarah Arnold-Hall

You ARE a Thought Leader


Don’t deny the world of your genius because you didn’t come up with every idea from scratch.

It’s the combination of the genius you’ve absorbed from a bunch of different people, mixed with your own life experience, that makes YOU the creator someone loves to follow.

Your brain is a SUPERBABY of all the people you’ve been influenced by.

Tony Robbins X Oprah X Stacey Boehman X Elizabeth Gilbert X my Year 12 French Teacher = my superbaby brain.

So instead of thinking I don’t have anything valuable or new to say, I'm like Y’ALL BETTER STRAP IN TIGHT BECAUSE YOU’VE NEVER HEARD IT LIKE THIS BEFORE.

It should go without saying that plagiarism is never a vibe, but you can totally credit the original creator for their rightful intellectual property that inspired your musing AND still be a thought leader.

Actually, that's how thought leaders are created – by sharing YOUR particular mixture of superbaby genius with the world.

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