I help people achieve impossible goals.
✔️ Blog every day for 2 years
(Completed July 2021)✔️ Become my own boss full time
(Completed Sept 2020)✔️ Build a 6 figure/year business
(Completed July 2021)⚪️ Build a 7 figure/year business
✔️ 1000 subscribers on YouTube
(Completed Nov 2021)⚪️ 5000 subscribers on YouTube
✔️ Become a Certified High Performance Coach
(Completed Nov 2018)✔️ Coach an Olympic Athlete
(Completed Aug 2022)Health
✔️ Do 20 push ups in a row
(Completed October 2019)✔️ Do 50 push ups in a row
(Completed Jan 2020)Adventure
✔️ Climb Mt Kilimanjaro
(Completed Sept 2011)✔️ Hike to Everest Base Camp
(Completed May 2007)Personal
✔️ Speak on stage
(Completed Nov 2022)⚪️ Do a keynote on stage
✔️ Get a Psychology degree
(Completed Oct 2017)✔️ Dance in an on-stage Salsa Performance
(Completed May 2024)⚪️ Do a breakdancing windmill
⚪️ Master the moonwalk
⚪️ Compete in a Salsa competition
Updated 14th December 2024
I’m about to open the doors to my next offer, and I couldn’t be more excited. This offer has been something I’ve wanted to create since the very beginning of my business (and actually tried to create in 2019, but my business wasn’t at the level to handle it yet).
Goals I’m working on right now:
My new offer
7 figure business
Building a community in Sydney
Hey! I’m Sarah.
I set goals to feel alive.
Sweaty palms.
Racing heart.
Can’t think of anything else.Combining my background in Psychology with my training as a High Performance Coach, I help ambitious entrepreneurs, creatives and athletes achieve their goals.
l created this blog to share behind-the-scenes of my own goals and help you push your limits. I'm creating what I wish existed for me to consume.
People often ask if I’ll climb Mt Everest like my parents did in the 90's (as depicted in the 2015 film, Everest).
While I’ve done a little bit of mountaineering (Kilimanjaro in 2011 and Everest Base Camp in 2007) what most people don’t know is that my late dad was also an entrepreneur. I feel most connected to him through our shared love of entrepreneurship and attempting the impossible in all areas of life.
Ready to do something impossible together?
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Your Goal is So Much Closer Than You Think
Our goals only take as long as we let them take.
It's our timeframe expectations that hold us back from taking wild, creative, no-one-else-would-do-this action.
Because if you HAD to achieve your goal in 24 hours – if everything was on the line – you'd do it.
You know you would.
You'd find a solution even if that meant doing something incredibly uncomfortable.
What if you truly believed you could sign a client today?
What if you truly believed you could get a book deal today?
What if you truly believed you could make money in your new business today?
How would that change how you show up today?
Love Yourself Even When
It's easy to feel good about a goal you haven't started yet.
Because you haven’t had to take any action or feel any disappointment.
The real challenge is to love yourself the entire way through the middle and out the other side.
Your Belief is Your Destiny
You don’t believe something because it’s true.
You believe something to make it true.
It’s BECAUSE I always believe I’ll hit my goals that I always do.
Not because it was always going to happen. It wasn’t.
When I believe I can hit my goal:
I show up for it every day.
I put in 10x more effort than I ever have before.
I ask myself how to guarantee my results, and then go and do those things.
I stay up late.
I get up early.
I make the nerve-wracking phone calls.
I put in the extra work.
I do things I would never do otherwise.
When I believe I won’t hit my goal:
I find excuses for not showing up.
I watch Netflix for hours on end.
I don’t reach out for help.
I don’t look for solutions.
I take half-hearted action.
I sabotage my results, just to prove it was never going to happen anyway.
Sometimes my brain sometimes offers me unhelpful thoughts about why I won’t hit my goal:
What if you can’t do this?
You’re out of your depth this time.
This goal really IS impossible.
It’s normal to hear those thoughts. But I never decide they’re true.
I always choose to believe I will hit my goal.
Because why would I ever choose a thought that makes my goal feel further away?
Whatever you believe IS the truth.
Your beliefs control your actions, and your actions control your results.
If you believe you can’t do it, you’ll take action like you can’t do it.
The decision to believe that you will achieve your goal will always serve you.
Every single day, re-decide that you’re going to succeed.
Act as if your success is certain.
It will be.
Another Note to My Past Self
Note to my past self.
Here's why you're not making progress towards your dream:
You’re fluffing.
Talking without really saying anyting.
Taking action without really doing anything.
Your entire to-do list is total rubbish.
It’s just stuff that makes you feel important.
Designing logos.
Editing fonts.
Perfecting your message.
Re-planning your launch. Again.
Stuff that seems legitimate but is actually holding you back.
It’s procrastination in disguise.
Cut it out. All of it.
Because if you’re honest with yourself, you know what you actually need to do today.
It’s not the thing you want to do.
Do it anyway.
Your future self will thank you.
(Thank you.)
What would you tell your past self?
51% Belief Is All You Need
Every day, I work on my belief that I’m the kind of person that can hit ANY goal I set myself.
It’s how I do things like 50 push ups in a row and blogging for 600 days and making 5-figure months.
Because I genuinely believe I can do them, before I've done them.
And it’s not like I don’t have days where I think “eeeeek I don’t know if I’m going to hit this goal!”
I have plenty of those moments, like “damn, am I actually bat-shit crazy for thinking I can do this?”
It’s just that I spend more of my time deliberately believing that I will hit my goal.
And you create what you believe the most.
You don’t have to be in perfect 100% belief that you can achieve your goal.
You just have to believe you can achieve it more than you believe you can’t.
So even if you spent 49% of your time believing you’re not going to hit your goal, but you spend 51% of your time believing you will hit it, you’ll still hit the goal.
Because 51% of your energy will be directed towards figuring it out.
Here’s how I spend more time believing I CAN do impossible things:
I journal on why I CAN achieve my goal, every morning while I eat breakfast. I haven’t missed a day since March 1st.
I make lists of all the things I’ve done in the past that blew my mind
I created a playlist of songs that put me in the mindset of my ideal self who crushes every goal and I listen to it right before I have to do something for my goal (I think this might be the most rapidly effective way for me to get into belief).
I get coached on my blocks by my coach, Stacey.
I seek out people who make me feel like I’m limitless. There are only a handful of these people in my life, but every time I talk to them, they make me feel invincible, and I’m high for 3 days afterward.
I surrounded myself with people doing epic things and breaking limits. My clients. My friends. My mastermind.
I spend my spare time watching documentaries about people who have done wild, crazy things. Some recent favourites: The Last Dance, The Dawn Wall, Free Solo and The Speed Cubers.
What I’m saying is, if you’re not at 100% belief in your goal, that’s totally okay.
All you have to do get to 51%.
Building in Thinking Time
There’s the time you spend doing the thing, and then there’s the time you spend getting yourself to do the thing.
Sometimes, the latter takes longer.
Emptying the dishwasher is like a 60-second job, but I can easily spend 30 minutes procrastinating doing it.
While I probably just need to hang a JUST DO IT sign on the dishwasher, there are some activities that I argue we should build in time to think about doing.
The extra time includes:
Do you add extra buffer time to your to-do list items?
Buffer Time
I’m working really carefully on creating buffer time.
Making the time in between the tasks I have on my calendar bigger.
Scheduling in time for things to take longer than planned. For unexpected interruptions. For going back inside when I forget my phone.
It sounds like it would be straight-forward, but it’s my biggest challenge at the moment.
But slowly, I’m building buffer time into everything I do, and it feels SO good not to rush everything.
I want girls to know that they are enough.
And that they can stand up for what they believe in.
And that they can talk about money.
And that they can want big things.
And that they can be ambitious as hell.
And that none of those things make her wrong or bad.
They just make her one of the ones who are changing the world.
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