I help people achieve impossible goals.

  • Entrepreneurship

    ✔️ Blog every day for 2 years
    (Completed July 2021)

    ✔️ Become my own boss full time
    (Completed Sept 2020)

    ✔️ Build a 6 figure/year business
    (Completed July 2021)

    ⚪️ Build a 7 figure/year business

    ✔️ 1000 subscribers on YouTube
    (Completed Nov 2021)

    ⚪️ 5000 subscribers on YouTube

    ✔️ Become a Certified High Performance Coach
    (Completed Nov 2018)

    ✔️ Coach an Olympic Athlete
    (Completed Aug 2022)


    ✔️ Do 20 push ups in a row
    (Completed October 2019)

    ✔️ Do 50 push ups in a row
    (Completed Jan 2020)


    ✔️ Climb Mt Kilimanjaro
    (Completed Sept 2011)

    ✔️ Hike to Everest Base Camp
    (Completed May 2007)


    ✔️ Speak on stage
    (Completed Nov 2022)

    ⚪️ Do a keynote on stage

    ✔️ Get a Psychology degree
    (Completed Oct 2017)

    ✔️ Dance in an on-stage Salsa Performance
    (Completed May 2024)

    ⚪️ Do a breakdancing windmill

    ⚪️ Master the moonwalk

    ⚪️ Compete in a Salsa competition

  • Updated 14th December 2024

    I’m about to open the doors to my next offer, and I couldn’t be more excited. This offer has been something I’ve wanted to create since the very beginning of my business (and actually tried to create in 2019, but my business wasn’t at the level to handle it yet).

    Goals I’m working on right now:

    My new offer

    7 figure business

    Building a community in Sydney

  • Hey! I’m Sarah.

    I set goals to feel alive.

    Sweaty palms.
    Racing heart.

    Can’t think of anything else.

    Combining my background in Psychology with my training as a High Performance Coach, I help ambitious entrepreneurs, creatives and athletes achieve their goals.

    l created this blog to share behind-the-scenes of my own goals and help you push your limits. I'm creating what I wish existed for me to consume.

    People often ask if I’ll climb Mt Everest like my parents did in the 90's (as depicted in the 2015 film, Everest).

    While I’ve done a little bit of mountaineering (Kilimanjaro in 2011 and Everest Base Camp in 2007) what most people don’t know is that my late dad was also an entrepreneur. I feel most connected to him through our shared love of entrepreneurship and attempting the impossible in all areas of life.

    Ready to do something impossible together?

    Click here to get coached by me.

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Motivation Sarah Arnold-Hall Motivation Sarah Arnold-Hall

Untapped Potential


Energy stored in an object due to it’s position is Potential Energy.

Energy that a moving object has due to its motion is Kinetic Energy.

Every person in this world has the Potential Energy to hit their goals within them.

The key it to turn it into Kinetic Energy, and actually get it moving.

Don’t let yourself be unrealised potential.

What are you doing today to move closer to your goal?

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Mindset Sarah Arnold-Hall Mindset Sarah Arnold-Hall

Designing the Set for My Ideal Self


Unpacking is a bummer.

That’s why instead of moving into our new apartment and unpacking my old life, I’m designing a set – and I am playing the starring role.

  • Who is the person who lives in this apartment?

  • What does she wear?

  • When does she exercise?

  • What time does she get up?

  • What time does she go to bed?

  • What food is in her fridge?

  • Who comes over?

I’m not simply moving into a new apartment.

I’m stepping into the next level version of me.

You don’t have to move house to do this.

Step into future you, now.

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Goals Sarah Arnold-Hall Goals Sarah Arnold-Hall

March 2021 Goals


This is the first month in our new apartment in Wellington, so I feel a bit like a kid at Christmas! I used to live here as a student but coming back as my own boss feels like a whole different version of me – and the city feels so different now.

  1. Grow my Impossible Girls Facebook Group to 5000 members!
    We’re currently on 3900 members, and they’re all the love of my life. I genuinely feel a massive pull to grow the group to include more people with big dreams so everyone can help each other. I mean, the more members, the higher chance someone will be able to connect you to the person you’re looking for or support you in your goal.

  2. Show up every single day in my group and add more love than ever before.
    Most days I show up in the group. But I don’t just want to show up. I want to make an impact – that’s the entire reason I started the group, so we can all support each other. I have already created a whole list of ways I want to show up with love to this group this month, and I can’t wait to share them with you guys. If you’re not in the group, you definitely want to be this month! Join here.

  3. Do some of our Tony Robbins relationship course each day.
    Last month I set the goal to complete the Ultimate Relationships Course with my boyfriend, but I realised that rushing it defeats the purpose. Just like the relationship itself, the idea should be to enjoy the process, not rush to the end.

  4. Mindset journaling every single morning, no excuses.
    My most successful goal-getting months last year were the months where I did the most mindset work. I stayed in my certainty that the goal would happen. I came back to the breakthrough energy several times each day. I stepped into being my future self 10, 15, 20 times a day. This is the most important one on the entire list!

  5. Go walking 3x a week.
    Our apartment is right in the centre of the city, and I absolutely can’t wait to go walking on the waterfront and explore the streets again. Tomorrow, I’ve got a 6:45 am walk-and-drink-coffee date with my best friend Georgia and I’m actually keen to get up that early to begin!

  6. Join a hip hop class.
    I have been waiting, waiting, waiting for this moment, where I can finally put roots down and join a dance class knowing that I won’t be leaving anytime soon. I’m here in Wellington for the foreseeable future so I can’t wait to get involved with all the classes and events.

  7. See friends 3x a week.
    I feel so lucky to have the luxury to see people in person without restrictions in New Zealand, so I want to make the most of it and hang out with my friends as much as I can. Lots of people have a “word of the year”, and I never created one, so I decided to create a “word for this city” – Friendship.

What are your March Goals? Let me know in the comments!

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Goals Sarah Arnold-Hall Goals Sarah Arnold-Hall

February 2021 Goals Review


February went by so quickly – is it really fair to have a month with only 28 days when the rest get 30 or 31?

  1. Get more photos done with the lovely Aimee Jules Photography (to move closer to my goal of up-leveling my photos and graphics).
    DONE! You guys, we had the most epic location for this shoot and I can’t wait to share the photos with you once they’re out. This had to be rescheduled three times, and almost didn’t happen. But I was totally determined and we managed to book it in on the very last day before I moved cities.

  2. Listen/watch Tony Robbins’ Ultimate Relationship Program with my boyfriend, Daniel
    INCOMPLETE. We did something on it most days in February, and actively made the decision not to rush through it just to get it done – the whole point of doing it is to strengthen our relationship, not to finish the course.

  3. Do 4 Livestreams
    DONE! I actually did 5 livestreams – just because I remembered how fun they are. I’m looking forward to doing more of them again.

  4. Journaling on this one question, every single time I create content: How can I put out the most valuable content on the internet today?
    DONE. I had a whole revelation this month based on this. A LOT is going to change in my group, so if you’re not already there, make sure you head there asap! :)

  5. Finish re-reading my favourite book of all time, The 9 Secrets of Women Who Get What They Want by Kate White
    INCOMPLETE. Bizarrely, I have misplaced this book. I’m so confused, because it’s not a small book and I was reading it recently. I’ve literally just packed up all of my belongings to move, and I didn’t see it. So I didn’t hit this goal. As soon as I find the book, I’m back on it! (Hoping it’s somewhere in one of the boxes!).

Did you hit your February Goals? Let me know in the comments by clicking the title of the post.

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Goals Sarah Arnold-Hall Goals Sarah Arnold-Hall

Wellington: Season 2


Daniel and I have officially packed up all of our belongings. They’re currently stuffed into a car, two decks below me on the ferry as I write this.

The first time I moved to Wellington was filled with unknown delight and excitement as an 18 year old.

I met Daniel there – at breakfast.

When I left, I was shedding a past self. Someone I didn’t want to be anymore.

I’m back.

But this time, life is wildly different.

I left Wellington at 21, with a degree that I didn’t know what to do with, confusion about my career and no job prospects. All I wanted to do was travel the world.

I return at 24, 19 countries later, as my own boss, with a coaching certification, 17 private coaching clients, a 6-year relationship, 50 push ups stronger, and impossible plans for the future.

Wellington: Season 2 is here.

You don’t want to miss it. 

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Entrepreneurship Sarah Arnold-Hall Entrepreneurship Sarah Arnold-Hall

When To Quit Your Job to Pursue Your Dreams


There’s a famous Tony Robbins saying “If you want to take the island, you have to burn the boats.”

Meaning, if you want to be successful, you have to cut off all other options so you HAVE to make it work.

I don’t buy it. I’ve quit my job THREE separate times to go after my dreams. It was only on the third time that it worked. 

Because instead of motivating me to work hard, not having money paralysed me. I panicked and made stupid short-term decisions.

It was so painful to have to go back to a job because I failed at my business… twice.

From my experience, you’ve got the best chance of quitting your job (and never having to go back) when you meet at least ONE of these three options:

  1. A “runway” of at least 6 months of expenses in your bank account (rent, food, bills) AND a stack of cash to invest into growing your business (for materials, marketing, etc). Quitting your job without money is like letting the air out of your rubber dingy in the middle of the ocean without duct tape.

  2. A zero-cost lifestyle (living at your parent’s house rent-free, or you have a husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend/parent who has agreed to support you financially until your business takes off)

  3. You’ve already started your business while you’re working, and it is making enough to support you completely.

I had this idea that time was what I needed. If I just quit my job, then I would have the time I needed and my business would suddenly take off.

Time helps, but it’s not enough. You need resources and access to mentors who can guide you.

Take it from me – it’s so much better wait a little while to quit and then KNOW you never, ever have to go back.

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Mindset Sarah Arnold-Hall Mindset Sarah Arnold-Hall

Everybody Loves You


How would you show up if you believed that everybody loves you – even if they don’t know it yet?

How would you show up if you believed that you love everyone – even if you don’t know it yet?

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Habits Sarah Arnold-Hall Habits Sarah Arnold-Hall

Less But Better

I’ve been a long-time minimalist, but only recently have I discovered minimalism’s chilled-out cousin, essentialism.

To me, the difference is this: Minimalism is about reducing things so you can do more of what matters.

Essentialism is reducing things so you can do less of what matters – but do it better.

Greg McKeown who has brought this idea to the mainstream world is slowly but surely changing the way I run my schedule, my day and my entire life.

You absolutely cannot miss this.

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Mindset Sarah Arnold-Hall Mindset Sarah Arnold-Hall



Breakthroughs only come when there’s something to break through.

So if it feels like you’re smashing your face against a wall right now, congrats! A massive epiphany is coming.

The main breakthrough I’ve had in the last week:

Mindset work is non-negotiable, every single day. I can’t just expect to wake up and feel good and smash my goals. I need to feed my brain with the stuff that makes me feel good and motivated every single morning. (How good would it be if The News was just people reporting helpful thoughts for us to think about for the day? Anyone want to start that news channel?).

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Mindset Sarah Arnold-Hall Mindset Sarah Arnold-Hall

Worst Case Scenario: Nothing


I watched myself getting caught up with week in a lot of pointless mind drama.

Example: My dress didn’t arrive on time for my photoshoot.

I’m horribly embarrassed at how much worry this caused me. It’s a dress. For a photoshoot. Boohoo.

No one is going to die.

But my brain acted like someone might.

Because it was the worst thing happening at the time.

And I couldn’t grasp perspective in the moment.

It was only after my semi-meltdown that it occurred to me that when I zoom out from my unbelievably small existence across infinite space and time, that the worst case scenario is nothing.

The hardest thing isn’t realising that there is no worst case scenario for 99.9% of the things I worry about.

It’s staying in that “Don’t worry, be happy” energy.

I’m working on it.

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