Sarah Arnold-Hall

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February 2021 Goals

There are 28 days in this month. 

Because this year I set my goals out Quarterly, I already have a rough idea of what I need to do this month.

  1. Get more photos done with the lovely Aimee Jules Photography (to move closer to my goal of up-leveling my photos and graphics).

    Helpful thought: Making time for this is a priority to me.

  2. Listen/watch Tony Robbins’ Ultimate Relationship Program with my boyfriend, Daniel (he has been away for most of January so we haven’t had a chance to do the work together yet!). I also just realized it’s Valentine’s month so it fits perfectly.

    Helpful thought: This gets to be so fun!

  3. Do 4 Livestreams
    I LOVE doing Livestreams because I always feel so much more connected to the Impossible Girls. but I always forget to do them/don’t make them a priority. This month, that’s changing!

    Helpful thought: There’s someone out there right now who needs to hear my message.

  4. Journaling on this one question, every single time I create content: How can I put out the most valuable content on the internet today? It’s really important to me that this group is a place where women can come and actually get support for their goals. This is my favourite place to hang out online, and I want to keep it that way! :)

    Helpful thought: One piece of content could change someone’s life.

  5. Finish re-reading my favourite book of all time, The 9 Secrets of Women Who Get What They Want by Kate White (it’s the book that sparked my goal-getting life at 14 years old!). It’s a nightmare to get hold of because it was published in 1998 and there aren’t very many copies. I keep giving my copies away, haha! I found a copy on Amazon UK and it took 4 weeks to arrive in NZ, but it’s finally here and I’m SO excited to read it!

    Helpful thought: This is my favourite thing to read!

Have you set your February goals yet?