February 2021 Goals


There are 28 days in this month. 

Because this year I set my goals out Quarterly, I already have a rough idea of what I need to do this month.

  1. Get more photos done with the lovely Aimee Jules Photography (to move closer to my goal of up-leveling my photos and graphics).

    Helpful thought: Making time for this is a priority to me.

  2. Listen/watch Tony Robbins’ Ultimate Relationship Program with my boyfriend, Daniel (he has been away for most of January so we haven’t had a chance to do the work together yet!). I also just realized it’s Valentine’s month so it fits perfectly.

    Helpful thought: This gets to be so fun!

  3. Do 4 Livestreams
    I LOVE doing Livestreams because I always feel so much more connected to the Impossible Girls. but I always forget to do them/don’t make them a priority. This month, that’s changing!

    Helpful thought: There’s someone out there right now who needs to hear my message.

  4. Journaling on this one question, every single time I create content: How can I put out the most valuable content on the internet today? It’s really important to me that this group is a place where women can come and actually get support for their goals. This is my favourite place to hang out online, and I want to keep it that way! :)

    Helpful thought: One piece of content could change someone’s life.

  5. Finish re-reading my favourite book of all time, The 9 Secrets of Women Who Get What They Want by Kate White (it’s the book that sparked my goal-getting life at 14 years old!). It’s a nightmare to get hold of because it was published in 1998 and there aren’t very many copies. I keep giving my copies away, haha! I found a copy on Amazon UK and it took 4 weeks to arrive in NZ, but it’s finally here and I’m SO excited to read it!

    Helpful thought: This is my favourite thing to read!

Have you set your February goals yet?

Sarah Arnold-Hall

Hey! I’m Sarah. I’m a High Performance Coach from New Zealand, living in Sydney. I help ambitious people take consistent action to hit their biggest goals in life and business. When I’m not coaching, you can find me salsa dancing and pursuing my own goals. Click here to get coached by me.


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January 2021 Goals Review