Your Dream is Worthy

Your dream is worthy.

There, I said it.

Because Goal Shame is a real thing. And we ain't having it here.

If you want bucket loads of cash, awesome. Decide to go and get it.

If you want to cure Malaria, amazing. Decide to go and do it.

If you want to sing at the Superbowl, fab. Decide to go and do it.

Your goals don't have to be noble.

They just have to be authentic.

We could use some more authentic people in this world right now, amiright?

I heard the story of a hot-shot divorce lawyer who wanted to do something good in the world, so he quit his job to serve soup in a war-torn country.

Until he realized he would do a lot more good in the world by making millions divorcing people who would be happier divorced and sending all his money to people in need.

There is more than one way to do good in this world.


Admitting what you actually want is much more powerful than going after something you think you SHOULD want.

Being authentically you will serve the world 10x over.

So it totally doesn't matter what goal you have.

Just make sure you actually want it.

Once you've decided what it is you really want, I can help you create it.

I've got clients becoming full-time poets, creating 5-figure months, quitting their jobs, starting up businesses, producing music with Oscar-award-winning producers, buying houses, becoming influencers, selling their own art – it literally doesn't matter what you want.

Creating results is a skill you learn.

Once you understand it, you can apply it to anything.

You can create your dream.

Decide you're ready.

Or maybe decide it doesn't matter if you're ready or not.

It's Nike, baby. Just do it.

Book a consultation with me here.

Sarah Arnold-Hall

Hey! I’m Sarah. I’m a High Performance Coach from New Zealand, living in Sydney. I help ambitious people take consistent action to hit their biggest goals in life and business. When I’m not coaching, you can find me salsa dancing and pursuing my own goals. Click here to get coached by me.


The Real Problem


It's Just Another Goal