Sarah Arnold-Hall

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My August 2020 Goals Review

August is almost over, and I hit my goals this month again, woohoo! Here’s what happened:

  1. Run 2x a week
    Complete! This was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be. I really enjoy not putting these on specific days of the week, but allowing myself to choose a day when the weather is lovely and I'm feeling energized. Next month I'm ready to take this to the next level and exercise more!

  2. Put out a YouTube video every week (and start a video release “day”)
    Complete! I decided Friday is my release day (and I made a little banner on my YouTube to say "new videos every Friday" to keep me accountable!). I put out four videos this month on Fridays, EVEN though I wasn't 100% satisfied with them. I decided it's more important to stick to my publishing time than to have absolutely perfect videos (not that any of my previous ones felt perfect either!).

  3. Show up every day in my Facebook Group with mega value
    Complete! I posted in there every single day. I always tried to ask myself, "how can I add more value?" and then on the posts I added something extra, they always got responses saying they were impactful. I've been doing a lot of thinking about how to make this group the most supportive group on the internet, and I'd love your feedback so let me know what you'd love for this group to have/do!

  4. Learn the YouTube Algorithm
    Complete! I studied my YouTube course and now the fun is to apply everything I've learned to my next videos. I also gained 84 subscribers! That might not seem like much, but these last two months it's moving faster than ever before. As of today, I'm on 684 subscribers. #celebration!

  5. Create a way to make my work more environmental/sustainable/contributing to climate action
    Complete! My business all online and it's service-only (I don't sell any physical products), so I thought I wasn't producing much waste. However, I realised that when I'm coaching, I write A LOT of notes. Pages and pages. I probably use thousands of pages every year. That's not only tress, but bleach and chemicals to make the paper white. If I make the simple switch to electronic notes and if absolutely necessary, notes on recycled paper, then I will definitely be making my business as eco-friendly as possible. (P.S. if you've got more tips for making an online business even more eco-friendly that I haven't thought about, let me know!)

How did your August Goals go? Let me know in the comments!