Sarah Arnold-Hall

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My December 2020 Goals

December is upon us – and in the past, I would have used this month to ‘wind down’ from the year. But this time, I’ve got a different approach. I’m thinking about ramping up to 2021. What do I need to do NOW if I’m going to hit my goals in 2021? I haven’t even set solid goals for 2021 yet – but I’ve got a general vision of where I need to go. So December is my run-up.

With that in mind, here are my December Goals:

  1. Find my Donna.
    If you’ve ever seen the TV show Suits, you’ll know that Donna is the badass executive assistant to a hot-shot lawyer named Harvey. She anticipates his needs ahead of time, she works super quickly, and she knows anyone who is anyone. This month, I’m looking to hire someone to help me handle the behind-the-scenes of my business as it grows and scales. Since I’m a High Performance Coach, I love working with other high performers – and I’m excited to have THE BEST executive assistant ever. If you think this might be you, email me.

  2. Grow my Facebook group to 3000 members.
    I’ve taken some time off actively growing my Facebook group (we’re currently at 2408) while I had a massive season of onboarding clients, but now I’m reading to get back to the mission of the group: to help as many women as possible achieve their impossible goals.

  3. Batch-create my content once per week.
    For the last 499 days, I’ve blogged on this website. 99% of the time, I publish my content on the same day as I write it. However, I’m finding time management a bigger challenge recently (hence my desire to hire a Donna), so I’m going to try batch-creating my content once per week, and then releasing it day-by-day. It’s a test really, to see if it frees up more time in my day, and to see if getting into “zone” when writing helps me create more valuable content.

  4. Walk/run 2x a week.
    I’ve been a bit slack with my exercise recently, while I’ve been focusing all of my energy on other goals. However, I want exercise to be a priority to me, so I’m ready to ease back into it.

  5. Make the process of achieving all of these goals enjoyable.
    I believe we can hit any goal we set our minds to – as long as we are willing to do whatever it takes. Anyone can hit a goal if they grit their teeth and bear it. But I don’t want to hit my goals that way – I want to have fun achieving them. So I’m taking my goal setting to a whole extra level, by only choosing pathways to achieving my goals that are actually enjoyable.

What are your December Goals?