November 2020 Goals Review

  • Get all the systems in my business sorted. Ahhh my systems are SOOO MUCH BETTER. I feel like I can breathe now. I've migrated all of my clients onto a new system, my hard drive is backed up, my invoicing systems are on track and I'm channeling my inner "Donna" from suits to stay organised (until I actually find someone like her, and then I will hire her!).

    The thought that helped me the most: When I'm organised, I'm more relaxed.

  • Do my physio exercises 3x a day. I did not do this ā€“ not because I didn't try, but because I discovered that this actually causes me extra pain in my shoulder. Doing it three times a day is overdoing it, and because of that, I even had to skip days. Not ideal. I've learned that once a day is better. It's frustrating because I feel like my progress is so slow, but I also know that the healing process is happening. I just have to keep going.

    The thought that helped me the most: Michael Jordan would do it.

  • Go to bed by 12am every night. I'm actually so happy with how I did. I made it a priority to go to bed by 12, and I did it, nearly every night! Whaaaat?! I did, however, adjust this goal to be weekdays only. And that feels good. Weekdays, 12am bedtime. Weekends, 1am (because I get to sleep in!).

    The thought that helped me the most: I ENJOY going to bed on time! (Sometimes I have to remind myself that it's actually a pleasure to get into bed, and that I'm not missing out if I don't stay up).

How did your November goals go? What thoughts helped you the most?šŸ‘‡

Sarah Arnold-Hall

Hey! Iā€™m Sarah. Iā€™m a High Performance Coach from New Zealand, living in Sydney. I help ambitious people take consistent action to hit their biggest goals in life and business. When Iā€™m not coaching, you can find me salsa dancing and pursuing my own goals. Click here to get coached by me.


My December 2020 Goals


Creating a New System