How To Be An Astronaut (Position Available)


Here's the thing: Most goals are googleable.

We pretend we don't know how to achieve our goals.

But we do.

99% of the time, we know exactly what our next step is.

Even going to the moon isn't rocket science.

The path is clear:

  • Get a Bachelor's degree in STEM

  • Get a job at NASA

  • Apply to be an astronaut

A quick google search even found me the actual job application to become an astronaut from an opening earlier this year (have a read, it's actually epic – it says "Travel Required: Extensive" )

If I just found that in a 10-second online search, can we really say we "don't know how"?

You DO know what to do to achieve your impossible goal.

You know you should be reaching out to the person, or writing the email, or doing the workout.

It's just the mind drama that holds us back.

Our thoughts stop us from taking action.

  • It's so hard

  • I'm not ready

  • What will people think?

  • Am I good enough?

  • I'm too tired

  • I'll do it after this

  • I can't be bothered

These seemingly innocent thoughts are the reason we don't achieve our wildest dreams.

Listen. If you want to be an astronaut, be an astronaut.

The world isn't stopping you.

It's just your own thoughts.

Choose new ones.

Decide you can be an actual astronaut.

Decide you're ready now.

Decide you're not too young or too old.

Decide it doesn't matter what people will think.

Decide you're good enough.

Decide to do it now.

P.S. If anyone actually applies for that astronaut job, do let me know

Sarah Arnold-Hall

Hey! I’m Sarah. I’m a High Performance Coach from New Zealand, living in Sydney. I help ambitious people take consistent action to hit their biggest goals in life and business. When I’m not coaching, you can find me salsa dancing and pursuing my own goals. Click here to get coached by me.


Commercial Space Flight Is Now Available


How I'm Reseting Myself