Sarah Arnold-Hall

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The Only Thing Standing Between You and Your Goal


It's the only real thing standing between you and your goal.

Two weeks ago, I received an application from Keira, where she confessed to me her impossible dream of starting an independent book shop.

She told me she couldn't imagine it actually happening.

Last week we started working together.

This week, she put in an offer to LEASE A BUILDING.

And she almost forgot to tell me.

That's how much action she has been taking on her goal in just one week – that deciding to lease an actual building was her new normal.

You can choose to spend 10 years making your dreams come true, or you can register your business, buy 15 books, put an offer in on a building and be in business in one week, like Keira.

You can take ACTION.

Or you can wait.

Don't wait.

Book a consult with me. I can help you achieve your goal.

Even impossible ones.

Especially impossible ones.

Let’s talk here.