Everyone Has a Secret Goal

Everyone has a secret goal. A goal they’ve been hiding away from the world because they were told it was unrealistic, or are afraid of being shot down or laughed at. Whether you’re 5 or 95, there’s always a secret goal brewing inside.

Today I visited my Grandad’s cousin and she told me her secret goal is to become an aquafit instructor. But then someone told her the course would be too difficult and had tried to put her off.

Bullshark. She is a total boss, and she knows she is highly capable of crushing it as an aquafit instructor. But she’s been putting it off because now she’s confused about what to do and where to begin.

Here’s the thing: confusion is a goal-paralyzer.

When we think we don’t know what we want or we believe we don’t know how to get it, we just do nothing. We give up before we’ve started. I know, because I’ve been there, and it sucks.

So she and I created a plan.

There are three main things you need to achieve any goal:

  1. Clarity on exactly what it is you truly want

  2. A simple plan of attack that includes daily action

  3. Accountability to keep you taking that daily action no matter what

These three steps put people in LFM (aka: laser-focus mode).

At 71 she has:

  1. Got clarity: Become a brilliant aquafit instructor in 2020

  2. Created a simple plan for daily action: Go online to find out the requirements and sign up to a course – then take daily action to complete the course

  3. Accountability: Agreed that I will phone her in June, and will be expecting her to be well underway to achieve her goal in 2020.

It doesn’t matter what your secret goal is – what matters is that you admit it to yourself and start taking daily action towards it.

What is the secret goal you’ve been stuffing inside your sock drawer?

Sarah Arnold-Hall

Hey! I’m Sarah. I’m a High Performance Coach from New Zealand, living in Sydney. I help ambitious people take consistent action to hit their biggest goals in life and business. When I’m not coaching, you can find me salsa dancing and pursuing my own goals. Click here to get coached by me.


Will achieving your goals make you happier?


Well that escalated quickly