Sarah Arnold-Hall

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If you think you have a problem, you don’t. You just have an excuse. I had to be harsh on myself today and admit that I haven’t been putting in the work I need to, to get me towards my dreams.

My excuses are disguised as problems or struggles, which sound more legitimate than excuses. But the truth is, I already know (and so do you) EXACTLY how to achieve my goals.

I just have to DO THE WORK. 

And I can say I’m doing the work. But when I truly look at myself in the mirror, can I say I put in 100% every day?

Not yet. Not even close.

Because if I truly was putting in 100% every day, I wouldn’t be making excuses for why I’m not there yet. 

You don’t need more strategy.

You know what you need to be doing. 

Now do it.