Push Ups Update & Training Routine

Day: 129
Push up ability: 26

Today I hit 26! That’s my personal best and over 1/4 of the way to my 100 push ups goal.

I’ve been getting so much advice from so many people across my social platforms, it’s been awesome to feel so much support. I’ve had people creating short videos with advice for workouts, mindset coaches reaching out with tips, people suggesting nutritionists and personal trainers offering to help. The power of community is beautiful.

Today my goal on the calendar was 30 push ups. I hit 26 before collapsing, but I’m impressed that I managed to do that many because my arms have been super sore from intense training during the last couple of days.

Now what I’ve been doing is pushing myself to exhaustion at every workout (my arms are even shaking a little as I type this!).

Now my training routine is:

1. Doing as many push ups as I can in a row
2. 20-second rest
3. Doing as many knee push ups as I can in a row
4. 20-second test
5. Doing as many floor drops as I can( I’m sure there’s a legit name for this, I’m talking about where you get in plank/push up position and lower yourself fully to the ground very slowly, then get up and repeat it).

I’m excited that my body is beginning to feel challenged, I’m noticing it’s a lot sorer (in a good way) recently. I once heard someone say “muscle pain after a workout is the feeling of getting better looking.”

Now as well as making sure my form is correct, I want to start truly going as deep as I can, because they are currently quite shallow push ups (I’m not going as far down as I could).

Looking forward to updating you again soon!

Sarah Arnold-Hall

Hey! I’m Sarah. I’m a High Performance Coach from New Zealand, living in Sydney, Australia. I help ambitious people take more action and hit their biggest goals in life and business. When I’m not coaching, you can find me salsa dancing and pursuing my own goals. Want to get coached by me? Click here to begin.


What if..?

