Sarah Arnold-Hall Sarah Arnold-Hall

87. How to work less

Feel like you’re constantly working, and never get a chance to switch off?

Today I’m diving into the game-changing solution that helped me work less and get my life back.

You’ll learn how to untangle yourself from the constant grind and regain control of your schedule.

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Sarah Arnold-Hall Sarah Arnold-Hall

86. How to Create Mindblowing Value

Want to create an extraordinary customer experience, both in your online content and your actual product or service?

In today's training, I'm sharing my simple 3 step process that has made my content and work go viral, shared by hundreds of thousands of people.

You'll learn:

  1. What real value actually is (and what it is not!)

  2. How much to give away for free

  3. My 3 step process for ensuring I deliver value

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Sarah Arnold-Hall Sarah Arnold-Hall

84. Time Regret

Wished you’d spent your time differently?

How you think about time will determine how effectively you show up for your goals.

In this episode, I’m sharing how to make peace with the way you’ve spent time and how much you have left.

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Sarah Arnold-Hall Sarah Arnold-Hall

82. Permission to Change Your Mind

Been thinking about changing a decision you made? Worried it will make you look flaky?

So many entrepreneurs are afraid to change their mind (or even make **up their mind!) because it feels like breaking a promise to the world.

Today’s episode is your permission slip (not that you need one) to change your mind. I’m breaking down why it’s okay to change your mind, and how to know when it’s a good time to do it.

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Video Sarah Arnold-Hall Video Sarah Arnold-Hall

81. Inbox Zero: How I Manage Email in 9 Minutes a Day

Is email clogging up your workday?

When I calculated the lifetime cost of checking my emails, I was horrified.

It turns out, the average worker spends the equivalent of 6 years of working hours over their 40 year career managing email.

I don’t know about you – but I don’t like those numbers.

I decided to test different systems for managing email, until I found one that reduced the amount of time I spent and made it easy to manage.

It's had a dramatic effect on my productivity and focus, so today, I'm sharing exactly how I manage my email, so that you can reduce your email time too.

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Sarah Arnold-Hall Sarah Arnold-Hall

80. If I put myself out there, will I be judged?

Today on the podcast, I’m coaching Sarah Vasquez on her challenges with showing up in her business.

You’ll hear:

  • The fear of judgement Sarah has been facing

  • How to shift from self-doubt to self-confidence

  • The specific actions Sarah decided to take in her business

If you’re facing any kind of self doubt or fear of what other’s think and it’s stopping you from showing up, this is the episode for you.

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Video Sarah Arnold-Hall Video Sarah Arnold-Hall

79. 8 things I Wish I Knew When I Started My Business

If I could give advice to my past self who was starting a business, there are the 8 things I would tell her.

  • The 1st one got me my first $10k month.

  • The 5th one changed the way I did marketing forever.

  • The 8th one is the most important.

Whether you’re brand new to business or you’re a seasoned entrepreneur, you don’t want to miss this episode.

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Video Sarah Arnold-Hall Video Sarah Arnold-Hall

77. 3 Habits that are Killing Your Motivation

Are you showing up for your goal? Like, really showing up?

Most entrepreneurs aren’t doing what it takes, because although they have brilliant ideas, they don’t have the ability to execute them effectively.

Listen to this motivational speech to learn how to get yourself to show up to degree you need to hit your biggest goals in business.

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Video Sarah Arnold-Hall Video Sarah Arnold-Hall

76. How to Actually Create Results

Getting what you want involves two things:

  1. Knowing WHAT to do

  2. Actually DOING it

Today I'm breaking down how to do both of those things, step by step.

Whether you want to:

  • grow your business

  • create more customers

  • build a bigger audience

  • or any other goal in entrepreneurship

Listen to hear how to actually turn that dream into a result.

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Sarah Arnold-Hall Sarah Arnold-Hall

75. How to get unstuck

Feeling stuck in your business?

Whether this is due to confusion, self doubt, fear, overwhelm, lack of motivation, or anything else, then this episode is for you.

You’ll learn:

  1. Why you’re really stuck

  2. How to get unstuck

  3. How to generate momentum

Ready? Let’s go.

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Video Sarah Arnold-Hall Video Sarah Arnold-Hall

74. How to Simplify Your Business

Are you overwhelmed by everything there is to do in your business?

Do you know the essential activities? Are you doing them?

Today I’m sharing what my essential activities are, and how simplifying my business has helps me stay focused and avoid procrastination.

Say goodbye to overwhelm and hello to simple action in today’s episode.

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Video Sarah Arnold-Hall Video Sarah Arnold-Hall

73. How to Navigate a Difficult Challenge

Are you asking yourself the wrong questions about the challenges in your business? I was.

Today, I'm sharing behind-the-scenes of how I navigated a challenge I’ve been facing on my entrepreneurial journey.

Discover the game-changing question I asked myself to navigate my challenge and get back to taking action (no more delaying, avoiding or procrastinating!).

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Sarah Arnold-Hall Sarah Arnold-Hall

72. Simple Easy Ugly Random

There is showing up – and there is showing up well.

The second one is extremely overrated.

Not only does it create a ton of confusion, overwhelm and imposter syndrome, but it’s rarely effective.

Almost everything that you want in your business just requires you to simply show up.

It doesn't even require you to do a good job.

90% of what you want is on the other side of messy, sub-par action.

If you’ve been procrastinating, delaying, and avoiding taking action because you don’t feel like your action is good enough, this is the episode for you.

Goodbye perfect, hello simple, easy, ugly, random:

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