Ask Sarah: Am I doing enough?

Q. “No matter how much I get done, or how productive I am, I always feel like I should have done more. How do I know if I’m doing enough?” – M, Serbia.

A. Define “enough”.
Enough to make a million dollars?
Enough to pass your driving test?
Enough to gain 10 pounds of muscle?

You have to know what your desired result is.

Then, you must identify what actions actually create that result.

Crucially, it’s not about identifying what actions would make you feel productive, legitimate, or like you’re doing it right.

It’s about pinpointing what is truly required to get the result.

I call it the Result-Producing Action.

It’s the action that comes directly before the result you desire.

Let’s say your desired result is to sell 20 new websites to architects every year.

Your Result-Producing Action would be to reach out to architectural firms and offer it to them.

You can spend all day working – posting a cute graphic on social media, designing a new logo, reworking your pricing, even working on your existing client websites – but none of that is ever going to feel like enough, because it isn’t.

It’s not your Result-Producing Action.

Instead, you could spend 30 minutes each day of the year making five phone calls to architectural firms, offering your website services – and that would be enough.

(That’s 1825 offers per year. You’d easily land 20 of them.

Even if most people say no, that’s still a result. You got real-world feedback and data. Something actually happened.

Here’s how to do the math:

  1. Define the result you want.

  2. Identify the Result-Producing Action.

  3. Calculate how many times you need to perform that Result Producing Action to ensure you’ll create the result.

  4. Just do that. That’s enough.


You’ve done enough when you’ve done something that will produce a result.

Sarah Arnold-Hall

Hey! I’m Sarah. I’m a High Performance Coach from New Zealand, living in Sydney. I help ambitious people take consistent action to hit their biggest goals in life and business. When I’m not coaching, you can find me salsa dancing and pursuing my own goals. Click here to get coached by me.


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