“Who Do You Know That Can Write Me a 100 Million Dollar Cheque?”

“It’s honestly that simple, Sarah. Just keep asking people “Who do you know that can write me a 100 million dollar cheque?” until you meet someone who can connect you to the right person.”

It’s such an obvious answer, I want to kick myself for asking.

I’m sitting on Zoom in a Sydney Airbnb, talking to a Venture Capitalist who has secured giant cheques from some of the biggest names in Silicon Valley.

I’ve just asked, on behalf of a client, how to raise hundreds of millions of dollars.

I’m expecting him to explain a formal process for approaching investors.

Instead, he tells me he mainly just sends DMs on LinkedIn.

It dawns on me as we’re talking, how many of the results in my own life have come from simply asking.

Clients, apartments, jobs – all because I called or emailed someone (often a stranger) and asked.

What is your version of the “Who do you know that can write me a 100 million dollar cheque” question?

  • Who do you know that can help me break into the luxury market?

  • Who do you know that can get me featured in a major publication?

  • Who do you know that can help me become a professional singer?

  • Who do you know that can get my child into a top-tier pre-school?

It feels uncomfortable to ask. Inappropriate, even.

But outrageous requests get attention.

Note that the question is not “Do you know anyone who…”

Because that only requires a yes or no answer.

“Who do you know…” requires a name.

This is one of those times where grit matters.

You can’t ask three people today and then forget about it.

It’s got to be the main question on your lips for the next six months until you get the result.

Most people reading this will think about asking their question.

But what if you actually did it?

Sarah Arnold-Hall

Hey! I’m Sarah. I’m a High Performance Coach from New Zealand, living in Sydney. I help ambitious people take consistent action to hit their biggest goals in life and business. When I’m not coaching, you can find me salsa dancing and pursuing my own goals. Click here to get coached by me.


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