Sarah Arnold-Hall

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My Self Concept is My #1 Priority

I’m the most hyped person you’ll ever meet.

I have got NO chill.

My inner world is an action movie packed with aviator sunglasses and slow-mo explosions.

I spend hours upon hours every week just BEING the future me.

Sometimes instead of working, I just dance in my kitchen like I’m Britney’s backup dancer. Okay, who am I kidding? Like I AM Britney.

My self-concept is my #1 priority.

Because the way we see ourselves is EVERYTHING.

When I think I'm a boss, I can hit any goal I set myself. Thousands of group members. A full list of clients. 50 push ups. 600 days of blogging.

When I think I suck (which I never let myself think for more than a fleeting accidental moment) everything turns pear-shaped.

I used to think I was just wasting time daydreaming about my future self.

Now I know it’s THE most important part of my day.

Because acting as if you're already the future you brings them closer.

Until you're so good at acting like them, one day you realize that you ARE them.

Some of the ways I step into being her:

  • Listening to high vibe music (Have you listened to the DJ Impossible Girls Playlist yet?! Y’all are adding SO many bangers!)

  • Journaling on what I believe and do now that I am her.

  • Doing everyday tasks with her energy. How does she eat breakfast? How does she do the dishes?

  • Wearing items that make me feel like her. Nothing gives me that “I run an empire” feeling like putting on matching underwear.

Your future self is already within you.

Your only job is to create space for them to come alive.