Things You Don't Need In Order To Make Money Doing What You Love
Things you totally don't need in order to make money doing what you love:
A website
A sales funnel
An email list
A logo
A business card
A podcast
A blog
A business plan
A large following
Social media
Yup, you don’t even need social media AT ALL.
All it actually takes is:
Connecting with people
Adding actual proper mind-blowing value to their life for free
Reminding them often that they can buy your epic stuff
This is true whether your passion is mowing lawns or creating courses or designing websites or selling scuba diving gear online.
You can make money doing what you love today – literally on this very day.
You already have everything you need.
What if you just went out and connected with people today, added value to their lives, and let them know what you have to offer?
You could make money doing what you love today.
Why not start now?