Sarah Arnold-Hall

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Your Belief is Your Destiny

You don’t believe something because it’s true.

You believe something to make it true.

It’s BECAUSE I always believe I’ll hit my goals that I always do.

Not because it was always going to happen. It wasn’t.

When I believe I can hit my goal:

  • I show up for it every day.

  • I put in 10x more effort than I ever have before.

  • I ask myself how to guarantee my results, and then go and do those things.

  • I stay up late.

  • I get up early.

  • I make the nerve-wracking phone calls.

  • I put in the extra work.

  • I do things I would never do otherwise.

When I believe I won’t hit my goal:

  • I find excuses for not showing up.

  • I watch Netflix for hours on end.

  • I don’t reach out for help.

  • I don’t look for solutions.

  • I take half-hearted action.

  • I sabotage my results, just to prove it was never going to happen anyway.

Sometimes my brain sometimes offers me unhelpful thoughts about why I won’t hit my goal:

  • What if you can’t do this?

  • You’re out of your depth this time.

  • This goal really IS impossible.

It’s normal to hear those thoughts. But I never decide they’re true.

I always choose to believe I will hit my goal.

Because why would I ever choose a thought that makes my goal feel further away?

Whatever you believe IS the truth.

Your beliefs control your actions, and your actions control your results.

If you believe you can’t do it, you’ll take action like you can’t do it.

The decision to believe that you will achieve your goal will always serve you.

Every single day, re-decide that you’re going to succeed.

Act as if your success is certain.

It will be.