Sarah Arnold-Hall

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Why I Share My Biggest Goals On The Internet

I constantly publish my deepest, scariest most impossible goals on the internet for everyone to see.

Even though there’s a chance that I won’t hit them.

But here’s the thing:

The chance that I’ll achieve them actually decreases when I don’t share them.

Because there’s nothing quite as motivating as the thought that the whole world is watching.

Your own mind is the place your dreams will go to die.

Don’t bottle up your dreams.


And then walk your talk.

But what if I tell everyone and I fail?

I’ve got a better question:

What if you don’t tell anyone so you never even try?

We are social creatures. We need social motivation.

If I hadn’t seen people like Stefan James or Susi Kauefer or Matheson Brown sharing their goals, I would have missed out on SO much inspiration.

Plus, there’s something epic about hearing someone say they’re going to kick ass, and then actually watching them do it. It feels like you’re part of their journey.

But apparently, it’s not cool to WANT success. It’s only cool to HAVE success.

We’re supposed to act like epic things just happen to us by accident.

“Oh, this old thing?”

“Yeah, just a million followers, what can I say?”

“Aw thanks, it was nothing.”

I say we trash that model, and start a new one.

One where dreams don’t have to be shameful and secretive.

One where we celebrate each other for wanting more than a mediocre life.

Go on, tell the world. Motivate yourself. Inspire someone.

That’s freaking cool.