A Habit Isn’t a Habit if You Take Days Off


I was doing my physiotherapy exercises for my shoulder every single day in November, and I would feel guilty if I missed a day. 

When I shared this with my physiotherapist, she said “Oh don’t worry, having rest days is okay.” 

Bam. Just like that, I stopped doing my physiotherapy exercises entirely.

Because what harm can a rest day do?

And another?

And another.

As soon as my brain was given permission to have days off sometimes, it decided it was okay to slack off all the time. 

I’ve discovered that moderation is really, really challenging for me. I do much better when I discipline myself to do something always – or never. 

It’s easier to keep a habit going if I never have to think about it, rather than trying to decide each day, “Does today count? Is today one of the days?”. 

Don’t let yourself off the hook. It’s a trap.

Reminder to self: If it matters, do it daily.


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Mastermind: Day 1