Mastermind: Day 1


Today is the first day of my mastermind and I am kind of out of my mind with excitement.

I’ve been waiting three months for this. 

(And it’s been on my vision board since April last year.)

And I was working on this goal for several months in 2020 – but I was trying to get accepted for next year (January 2022).

But I realised if it's impossible in one year, and it's impossible now, what's the difference?

I've never had to show up with this much conviction and certainty that I could do something I had ZERO evidence I could do.

And today, I’m starting that process all over again.

I’ve done a ton of work on the kind of person I will show up as.

Who I need to BE to create results in this mastermind (I haven’t even chosen what results I’m going after yet, but I know they’ll be impossible).

I’ve journaled pages and pages. I’ve listened to my hype playlist for hours. I’ve done all the homework.

I’m ready, because I’m deciding I am.

Thoughts I’m choosing:

  • I was made for this

  • I am unstoppable

  • I have won the lottery

  • I am ALL IN

I’ll keep you updated! 


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Today is an Epic Day