Sarah Arnold-Hall

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Here’s one I prepared earlier

I keep a list of thoughts on my phone that I have pre-prepared for when I need a boost.

It's all the things I WANT to think when my brain is feeding me unhelpful thoughts.

Because sometimes no matter how much I want to "be positive" my brain can't think of a single helpful thought.

So then I feed my brain my list of ONES I PREPARED EARLIER.

It's kind of like meal-prepping, but for thoughts.

Here are my latest favourites on my thought-prep list (it's about 20x longer than this)

✨ I know EXACTLY what to do.

✨ I've got this.

✨ My success is inevitable.

✨ It gets to be easy. ✨ I have got the magic pill in my hands (I've always wanted a magic pill so instead of trying to accept there isn't one, I just decided I already have it).

✨ I get to choose how I want to see this. ✨ I am UNSTOPPABLE.

What is on your thought-prep list?