Sarah Arnold-Hall

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Anything Can Happen

I share a ton of goals with the world. I wear my heart on my sleeve and I’m not afraid to share what I’m working on.

I also have some private goals. Goals I share with only my closest friends, and sometimes only with myself.

Lately, I didn’t hit one of my private goals. I worked so. damn. hard on it.

I thought of all the possible ways to make it work.

I wrote out an epiphany list.

I created a new plan.

I executed a new plan.

I believed in it right up until the last moment.

But the time was up and I didn’t reach the goal.

I have accepted that it didn’t happen in my desired time frame. But I am still not giving up. Just because the time limit passed, doesn’t mean the goal isn’t still attainable.

Anything can happen.