Quarter-Life Bliss


In psychology, a quarter-life crisis is defined as anxiety over the direction and quality of one's life.

Yesterday I turned 24, and I couldn’t have felt further from that.

Instead of feeling lost, confused, and directionless, I went to sleep feeling like the happiest, luckiest person in the whole world.

I have a family who loves me. I have food. I have safety. I have health. I have the opportunity to pursue my ambitions. I get to help people with my work. I have meaning. I have a purpose. Even my problems feel like blessings right now.

I’m incredibly grateful to be feeling this way because there have been times in my life when I haven’t felt like this at all.

Thank you for reading this, even if I don’t know you. You contribute to my happiness each day.

Sarah Arnold-Hall

Hey! I’m Sarah. I’m a High Performance Coach from New Zealand, living in Sydney. I help ambitious people take consistent action to hit their biggest goals in life and business. When I’m not coaching, you can find me salsa dancing and pursuing my own goals. Click here to get coached by me.


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