Sarah Arnold-Hall

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My Best Thoughts

It doesn't matter to me whether my thoughts are negative or positive – I just want to know if a thought is helpful or unhelpful.

And the helpful thoughts, I want on hand at all times.

So for the past 3 months, I’ve kept a note on my phone of “My Best Thoughts”.

Thoughts that I want to think as often as possible. Thoughts I want to turn into unwavering beliefs.

Some of these I’ve heard from other people. Some of them I created.

As long as they serve me – and others – I think them. As often as I can.

I am certain I can do this.

I already have everything I need to be successful and happy right now.

I can handle anything.

Everything always works out.

If not this, there’s something better coming.

It gets to be easy.

My security is in my brain, not my bank account.

I’m in it for the long haul.

I am in the middle of creating success.

Failure is just building my success story.

What are your best thoughts?