Why I Started Offering a Money-Back Guarantee


Why I started offering a Money-Back Guarantee with my coaching.

Firstly, it raised my own game.

I had to ask myself, how good would I have to be at getting people any result they want, in order to feel confident giving a money-back guarantee?

I have to give a transformation so powerful that people would never need to ask for one. I’m constantly holding myself accountable to getting people results.

Secondly, I realized something so damn important.

The time my clients waste struggling to get the result they want all by themselves can NEVER be given back. Money can be given back. But time can’t.

And if someone can get the result they want with me 10x faster and 10x better than if they did it on their own, I owe it to them to provide that.

So by offering a money-back guarantee, I’m offering people the chance to get their time-back BEFORE they lose it – with zero financial risk involved.

Achieving their impossible dream now versus achieving it in 10 years – what better value can I really give?

These two reasons make it SO easy for me to offer a money-back guarantee.

It means the real risk they're taking is NOT working with me.

Whatever result you want, I’ve got your back. Book a consult here.

Sarah Arnold-Hall

Hey! I’m Sarah. I’m a High Performance Coach from New Zealand, living in Sydney. I help ambitious people take consistent action to hit their biggest goals in life and business. When I’m not coaching, you can find me salsa dancing and pursuing my own goals. Click here to get coached by me.


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