Sarah Arnold-Hall

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Everything I Have Learned in the Past Two Weeks

The last two weeks have brought me 3 new clients, 2 new YouTube videos, several new friends, and a LOT of progress.

I feel a monumental shift happening.

I wrote this list for myself privately, just to make sure I won’t forget anything I’ve learned, but it just feels too good not to share.

  • Deciding that everything I desire is HERE. It’s not even “coming” or “on it’s way". It’s here. I just have to wait to see it. Like when you work for your employer, and you know they are going to pay you. The money is HERE. It exists. It belongs to you by law. Now I just have to wait to see it. Same with any goal. Do the work & it is already yours.

  • Choosing to live in the breakthrough. Small or big. And then sharing my breakthroughs for others to benefit from too. Because that’s where I get the most benefit from others – when they share their biggest breakthroughs.

  • Showing up in the right energy makes a much bigger impact on myself and others than purely just showing up. I’m learning to align with the right energy before I show up every day.

  • Deciding that I am ready right now. I don’t need anything else to change. I have everything I need to achieve my goals, right in this moment. So get to work!

  • Saying “no” only when I LOVE my reasons for saying no. Saying “yes” only when I LOVE my reasons for saying yes. If I don’t love my reasons, question my decisions.

  • Choosing to be detached from NEEDING my goals to happen. Sometimes my brain turns the feeling of deeply desiring something into the idea that I NEED it. It’s not true. I don’t NEED anything to happen. So now that I no longer need them to happen, I can step back and breathe, and take action from a detached place.

  • Slowing things down a LOT. Not trying to do all the things all the time. The world will go on if I don’t post on Instagram for a few weeks.

  • Deciding that I have the magic pill already. I’m guilty of trying to find a magic pill that will fix all my problems. So what if I just decided that the thing I have IS the magic pill? The book I’m reading, the movie I’m watching, the coach I’m working with, the program I joined. If I truly believed I had the magic pill in my possession, how would I show up differently?

What recent breakthroughs of your own would you add to this list?