Sarah Arnold-Hall

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How to Overcome Your Own Excuses

The last few days I’ve been working on an exercise that’s been really helping me overcome my own mind drama and excuses.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Write out what you want at the top of a page.

  2. Write out every single excuse your brain gives you about why you don’t already have it.

  3. Next to every excuse, write a solution to overcome it.

  4. Go and execute those solutions as soon as possible. Before your brain has a chance to come up with more excuses.

Simple. So. damn. effective.

These are the excuses my brain has made for why I’m not where I want to be yet with all my goals:

  • I don’t have professional enough photography

  • I haven’t learned keyword research on YouTube

  • I’m not “successful enough” for people to publish anything about me

  • My Instagram feed isn’t pretty enough

  • I’m not a practiced speaker

  • I don’t have enough followers

Yes, for real, that is the BS my brain comes up with. 

It’s so embarrassing to write it down because I can see how UNIMPORTANT it all is to achieving my goals.

And yet, they still bother me.

So here is my solution:

I can either:

a) Do the thing I think I need to do just to get it off my mind


b) Decide to never ever worry about it again for all eternity

Here is what I’ve decided to do:

  • Just get the photography done (I just posted in an NZ Facebook asking for a photographer)

  • Buy the YouTube course I’ve been procrastinating buying (just got on the email list for when it next opens)

  • Decide that I AM successful enough already, and send my content to publishers now (Tuesday I will write something to send!)

  • Literally never ever worry about my Instagram feed ever again for all eternity because it doesn't matter

  • Practice speaking and watch presentation videos on YouTube (This Thursday I will begin working on this).

  • Serve the audience I DO have because they are amazing (Keep showing up every day with value)

I've decided I will never. ever. let excuses stop me.