As part of my morning routine this month, I’ve been focusing on affirmations a lot (particularly in the shower – a great time to do them!).
I thought I would share some of my favourites with you here:
I am unstoppable!
I am a person of excellence!
I am abundant!
I eat fear for breakfast!
I commit to my goals and dreams like no one else!
I know I will be successful because I will never ever give up!
I show up for my dreams every single day!
Every decision I make is the right one!
The future is fixed in my favour!
I am defying the impossible!
I can create any result I want!
I am willing to work on this until I’m 150 years old!
I am unapologetic for being ambitious!
The more money I make, the more people I can help!
I have got my own back 100%!
I can handle anything that comes my way!
I am powerful!
My goals are closer than I think!
Everything I need is already within me!