Can You Really Have It All?


I’m excellent at sticking to my goals and following through.
365 days of mediation in a row? Check.
260+ days of blogging in a row (so far) Check.
Working out every day this week? Check.

I’ve trained myself to stick to my commitments so well that in some cases, it actually causes problems.

I was on the phone to my one of my coaches (yes, I have several!), and in an instant, I realised that I had been sticking to a goal that is not serving me, just because I set it.

Creating weekly YouTube videos.

Don’t get me wrong, I really want to follow through with this. In fact, it’s almost painful to not follow through, because I feel like I’m letting myself down, especially because I set it as my New Years Resolution and I HATE breaking New Years Resolutions.

But I realised that although it is a goal of mine to reach 100k on YouTube, right now I can’t put 100% effort into my business goals if I am focusing energy on other things.

My coaching business is my absolute number one priority right now. And YouTube is a distraction.

So although I WILL go back to creating content weekly, for now, I am consciously choosing to set it aside in pursuit of something that is more important.

I once heard a quote that is “You can have it all. You just can’t have it all at once.” And I used to hate it, because I thought it was coming from a limiting belief, like, you can’t have the great relationship and great health and great career all at once. But now I realise that I misunderstood what the quote meant.

It really means that you can’t make it all happen at once. So yes, you can have the great body and gorgeous husband and thriving business– but if you try to focus on making them all happen in the same week, you will burn out and won’t get any of them. Build them up, one by one. THEN you can have it all at once.

So instead what we need to do instead is get LASER FOCUSED on an area. There is a reason, in my High Performance Coaching Program, that we focus on one area per week, and don’t try to do it all at once.

Laser focus means excluding everything in your life that is total BS or FLUFF.

What is BS or FLUFF in your life?

For me, it’s YouTube, it’s the Podcast that doesn’t exist yet that I can’t stop thinking about, it’s the emails I’ve been thinking about sending, it’s all the things I think I need to do but I totally don’t.

What fluffy BS do you need to cut out of your life right now to focus on your current goal?

Sarah Arnold-Hall

Hey! I’m Sarah. I’m a High Performance Coach from New Zealand, living in Sydney. I help ambitious people take consistent action to hit their biggest goals in life and business. When I’m not coaching, you can find me salsa dancing and pursuing my own goals. Click here to get coached by me.


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