Failures I've Learned From

Failure is a beautiful thing. It moves you forward. It might not be in the exact direction you want to go, but you are still moving. We shouldn’t be scared of failing – we should be scared of inaction. Inaction is a horrible affliction that affects so many people. I believe in doing something, anything, towards your goals, every single day.

Because of that mindset, I have failed a lot. Here are some of the things I learned not to do because of my failures:

  1. Wait for people to find me
    To make an impact, you gotta go out and make yourself SEEN. Posting a blog on your website every single day doesn’t mean anything if nobody is visiting your website. You gotta get where the people are: aka, other people’s audiences.

  2. Allow haters to consume my energy
    My haters are honestly the nicest haters in the world. Their hate isn’t actually hate, it’s just misguided sympathy for the loss of a loved one of mine. Their messages come from a good place, usually. They want to show me love, but it comes across wrong and they overstep boundaries. I no longer allow these messages to consume my energy. Any inappropriate comments and creepy DMs get deleted asap.

  3. Fluff
    I have spend a considerable amount of time fluffing about doing things that totally don’t move me towards my goals. I had to make a conscious decision that my business is my #1 priority (apart from people), and anything that isn’t directly serving that OR isn’t the most fun thing ever, doesn’t get to happen.

  4. Assume yes means yes
    People tell me all the time that they are going to do things. Do the thing they committed to doing, joining the gym, writing the book, signing up for coaching or, back in the day when I had a t-shirt company, buying my t-shirts. People say yes, but when it comes to actually doing the thing, maybe 1 in 5 people follow through with their yes. Lesson 1: don’t celebrate until they show you a yes, not just say a yes. Lesson 2: Be a woman of my word. If I say yes, I do it. Always.

I’m sure I will think of 100 more after this post. Perhaps I’ll do a part two!

Sarah Arnold-Hall

Hey! I’m Sarah. I’m a High Performance Coach from New Zealand, living in Sydney. I help ambitious people take consistent action to hit their biggest goals in life and business. When I’m not coaching, you can find me salsa dancing and pursuing my own goals. Click here to get coached by me.


Just Because Something Didn’t work, Doesn’t Mean It Doesn’t Work


Assume You Are Being Prepared