Why I started blogging every day

Sean Wes is brilliant. Check him out here.

Sean Wes is brilliant. Check him out here.

Every so often, the lightning bolt effect takes place. You know, where you see or hear a concept and BANG, just like lightning, you decide to make a change.

For some people, it might be to give up smoking or pay off debt.

For me, my latest lightning bolt was to blog every single day.

I’d been trying to blog for years. I’d put out no more than 20 blog posts over the years, agonizing about perfecting them.

Then I saw this brilliant piece by Sean Wes, and my mind was made up. I would blog, every single day, for two years straight. I had never committed to anything daily for two years straight. This was going to be a massive challenge.

At the time (226 days ago) I thought it would make me the blogger I’d always wanted to be – taking gorgeous sunset photos of me in a new outfit every day, sharing how my day went. Yet, that isn’t what this has become, because I realised I’d been wanting the wrong thing all along. I don’t want to take photos every day. I don’t want to spend my days creating “instagrammable” content. I’ve got more value to give than that.

Instead, this commitment has taught me how much valuable content I can actually create. Sure, some days I don’t create brilliant content. But on occasion, I create something worth sharing. And then, I share it.

I think at this stage, even 228 days in, I still only have a couple of readers. (I’ve also learned the phrase “build it and they will come” isn’t true when it comes to blogging on the internet!). But I don’t need that anymore. I’m creating this blog for me, now. It’s like a personal diary or manifesto of my beliefs and thoughts. It’s a journey of self-discovery. Yes, writing every day has helped me develop my voice as a writer, but more importantly, it has helped me develop my philosophy as a coach.

Where would your life be enhanced if you showed up every day for two years?

Sarah Arnold-Hall

Hey! I’m Sarah. I’m a High Performance Coach from New Zealand, living in Sydney. I help ambitious people take consistent action to hit their biggest goals in life and business. When I’m not coaching, you can find me salsa dancing and pursuing my own goals. Click here to get coached by me.


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