Sarah Arnold-Hall

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How To Flustle

Verb. to own your own freaking energy and do things the way that feels good to you.
Hustle & flow, together.

The guy who read my chakras today (don’t ask) said my masculine and feminine energy were off. But I’ve never felt like I could be put into the masculine or feminine energy box. I don’t do things with flow. I analyze too much for flow. I don’t do things with blunt force. I’m too intuitive for that.

But you know what I do freaking do?

I flustle.

Sometimes that means doing all sorts of random stuff to achieve my goals.

I’m not going to be ashamed of the way I go after my goals just because it’s not perfect. I AM in balance, thank you very much, charkra man. I’m in flustle. I’m not ashamed of my mishmash, driving-with-my-eyes-closed, flying-by-the-seat-of-my-pants MO.

Do you want to know a secret? I DON’T HAVE A CLUE WHAT I’M DOING.

Do you want to know another secret? NO ONE ELSE DOES EITHER.

My MO is to flustle.

And now that I’ve made it a thing, I ain't ever apologising for it.

What if I just decided the hot mess I am was good enough?