Sarah Arnold-Hall

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Push Ups Update: Injury

50 in a row, even with my little arms!

Day: 211
Push up ability: 50

On the 22nd of February, out of the blue, I pumped out 50 push ups. I think I had extra energy from drinking a protein shake (I always thought those were all hype, but now I’m on board!).

Although I was sore the next day, the pain went away. Unfortunately, due to way too much computer use (I’m guilty of 8+ hours a day due to the nature of online coaching) I have really aggravated my right shoulder and I haven’t been able to do push ups at all in March yet.

Today I went to see a sports therapist, and she assessed me to see what was wrong. I will be going back in a few weeks, but in the meantime I’ve got some shoulder exercises to do.

I also signed up to the gym earlier this month but I haven’t had a chance to go because of my injury. I have still been running 3x a week though.

This has been an interesting journey so far, because I never expected that injury would be what held me back. I expected to struggle with the mental stamina to keep going when my body was tired. Turns out, that is the easy part! Right now, I am mentally ready to train hard, but my body is screaming “slow down!!”

I’ll keep you updated!
Let me know what the unexpected struggle with your goals is in the comments!