Sarah Arnold-Hall

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Money - it’s the only thing more taboo than sex.

When I was a kid, I’d do anything to get out of talking about money. I would rather pay for my whole table’s dinner out than discuss how to split the bill.

As a society, we pretend to have more of it than we do have. Sometimes, we pretend to have less of it than we do have.

These are the rules:

You’re supposed to automatically have it, but not want it.
You’re supposed to get it easily, but you’re not supposed to share how.
You can’t be too poor, or people will look down upon you.
You can’t be too rich, or people will look down upon you.

What kind of society is this? I think we’re all subconsciously messed up from having no one to talk about money with. We’re repressed.

The ’60s was the sexual revolution, I think the 2020s should be the financial revolution.


Imagine if people talked about it. Like properly.
Imagine if your teachers, your doctors, your storekeepers, your friends, your uncle, your cousin, and your neighbours all shared how much money they make and have.

Imagine if on your Facebook profile, next to where you went to school and what you relationship status is, we put our financial status.

Debt: X amount
Assets: X amount
Savings: X amount

Why is that such a wild idea?

We all have to use money. And yet, we’re terrified of talking about it. After many years of contemplation, I believe it is for these three reasons:

  1. We’re afraid others will judge us for the amount we have (shame)

  2. We’re afraid we’ll offend someone because our amount is more than theirs (guilt)

  3. We’re afraid we’ll lose it/have it stolen (fear)

So we decide that money is private. BUT WHY?

Because we’ve given it more personal meaning than it actually has.

Your net worth is not your self-worth.


This is me opening up the beginning of a conversation around money that I think is mighty time we started having.

And who knows, maybe we’ll spark a revolution of people sharing their financial status along with their relationship status on Facebook.