Sarah Arnold-Hall

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Just Choose Three

If you’re interested in personal development (which you probably are if you’re reading this blog!), then you’ll know just how much amazing content there is in the world. From old school giants like Tony Robbins and Oprah Winfrey, to popular gurus like Brendon Burchard and Gabby Bernstein, to your smaller instagrammers and YouTube influencers – there are a million different places to look for great advice and personal development tips.

While it’s fantastic that there’s so much content to consume, the downside is that there’s almost too much – cue Analysis Paralysis: the feeling of being overwhelmed with choices, unsure who’s content to implement. This rings especially true when there are teachers with conflicting messages.

Post 7x a day on Instagram / Spend less time on social media
Focus on your mindset more than anything / You wont get anywhere without action
Don’t fight your natural desires / Wake up at 4am everyday
Facebook ads are the way to go / Organic networking is the only way
Go on the Keto diet / Vegan 100%
Be a productivity machine / focus only on one thing until you’re really good at it

Confusing much?

Here’s the thing: I believe that any method works for anything – as long as you actually follow it to the letter.

For example, you can lose weight on the vegan diet, the paleo diet, the Keto diet, the Master Cleanse, fasting, anything – they all work, as long as you’re dedicated whole-heartedly to the method.

But if you try to mix ad match, vegan one day, fasting the next, keto the next, paleo next – your body and mind will be ultra confused, and it’s unlikely to work, right?

That’s why I’ve discovered that it makes so much more sense to choose just a handful of mentors and follow their word to the letter.

Here are my three main mentors:

Brooke Castillo = Mindset
Brendon Burchard = High Performance
Stacey Boehman = Business

That’s all.

Of course, I still consume the occasional piece of content from Gary Vee, Gabby Bernstein, Marie Forleo, The Minimalists, Tony Robbins, Marianne Williamson, Mel Robbins, Gretchen Rubin, Oprah, Elizabeth Gilbert, (you name it, I love them all). But there’s no way I can follow all of their advice, all of the time. So I’ve chosen my top 3 mentors, and I’m sticking with them – at least for this year. I’ll hear other advice, but I’m sticking to the Brooke, Brendon and Amy diet 100%. Their words are my gospel!

Who are your three mentors for 2020?