Sarah Arnold-Hall

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As the old saying goes, perfect is the enemy of good.

One of the easiest traps we fall into as a society, as a culture, and especially as big dreamers is to believe we can only create, begin, make, publish, and accept work that is perfect.

But as Big Magic author, Liz Gilbert says: Perfection is “like auditioning for a part you already got”.

You’ve made it. You’re here! On planet earth, at the best time in history to be alive. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone. You are enough.

Create because it’s fun. Go after your dreams because your heart longs to. Don’t try and be perfect.

I wish I’d known this much earlier. I mean, of course I knew of it as a concept. But I didn’t really know it, you know?

Every day I create content that is so far from perfect it’s silly. Even this blog post is a mash up of imperfect, unedited words. But I don’t need to be perfect, I’ve given it up. I just want to create, to push my limits, to dream, to help other people feel the fire in their soul that burns bright for their dreams.

Screw perfection. I’m so done with it. You can let go too.