December 2020 Goals Review


We are finally here, at the end of the month. When I wrote these goals, the only one that I felt sure I could do was number 4: walk/run 2x a week. But I decided I was going to make the rest happen somehow. Here is my review:

  1. Find my Donna.
    Done. After quite a bit of searching, I found her. She is exactly what I need – someone who is experienced at running the back-end of other people’s businesses, so I can show up and coach at my best, and create content without distraction. We begin in January. As you’ll read in my 2020 Year in Review, I’m changing up a lot of things for 2021, and this is one of the ones I’m most excited about.

  2. Grow my Facebook group to 3000 members.
    Done. We actually hit 3400! That’s 1000 new members in December. I’m so grateful for the incredible support from all the Impossible Girls – so many of you added members without me even asking! Thank you, thank you!

  3. Batch-create my content once per week.
    Done. Batching my content has revolutionised the way my week looks. Instead of having to quickly write something in between my coaching calls (or in the middle of my weekend), I just write content once per week and then I don’t have to worry about it at all for another week. Why did nobody tell me about this?! (Oh wait, they did, I just never tried it). However, this system does have one flaw – if you miss the content-creation day for any reason, suddenly you’re an entire week behind on content. So in 2021, I’m going to protect my content-creation time like a lioness protects her cub.

  4. Walk/run 2x a week.
    Done. This one was totally automatic. As it turns out, my body tells me when I should do this, and most of the weeks in December I went more than 2x a week. Clearly, I should have set a harder goal!

  5. Make the process of achieving all of these goals enjoyable.
    Done. I specifically made this month as stress-free as possible. I said no to things that would get in the way, I thought outside the box for options that would be more fun, and I didn’t let myself worry about if I would hit them or not. Oh, and I listened to a lot of music which got me pumped up to go after these goals!

How did you go with your December Goals? Let me know in the comments!

Sarah Arnold-Hall

Hey! I’m Sarah. I’m a High Performance Coach from New Zealand, living in Sydney. I help ambitious people take consistent action to hit their biggest goals in life and business. When I’m not coaching, you can find me salsa dancing and pursuing my own goals. Click here to get coached by me.


2020 Year In Review


It's Not Over Till It’s Over