Sarah Arnold-Hall

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How I Hit 3000 Members in My Facebook Group

Ahhh we hit 3000 members in the Impossible Girls Facebook Group! (3200, actually!!)

Three nights ago we were on 2700 members and I was feeling anxious about it. What if I’ve just told everyone I’m going to hit this goal of 3000, and I don’t?

But it happened.

800 new members in less than 25 days.

Here’s how it happened:

Short answer: Mindset

I used to get SO sick of people saying “it’s just mindset” when I asked how people did something.

I’m like GIVE ME SOME TANGIBLE ADVICE! (Anyone else feel like this?!)

So, the Tangible answer is:

  1. I decided to believe it was 100% in my control.
    If it was in my control, then I could make it happen. As soon as we decide it’s based on luck or chance, we give our power away. I decided I was going to make it happen. A done deal.

  2. I didn’t sit around waiting. I invited people from EVERYWHERE. I took risks by sharing content in other Facebook groups that I felt nervous to share in case I was judged (ironically, it’s always the posts I’m most scared to post that get the best reaction!).

  3. I didn’t DM strangers asking them to join. I didn’t make people feel like they HAD to join. Instead of “please please please join my group!” I showed up with an energy of “We’ve got the best thing ever going on over here… but hey, if it’s not your vibe, that’s cool too.” Zero desperate energy. I learned this lesson from past mistakes (in relationships and in business!).

  4. Anytime I got worried it wouldn’t happen (because those sneaky thoughts sometimes came in), I made a list of why it WOULD happen. Not just why thought it might happen, but an actual fool-proof plan of exactly WHY it was definitely going to happen. A list of steps.
    – Because I’m willing to do whatever it takes
    – Because there is ALWAYS a way
    – Because I’m going to do X, Y and Z to make it happen.

  5. I thought outside the box. What would I do if I were Michael Jordan? How would Sara Blakely solve this? If I had 24 hours to make it happen, what would I do? I just kept asking myself, “It is already done – so how did it happen?”

  6. I didn’t try to do it alone. I shared that I wanted to hit the goal in this group, with other groups, on my blog and to people offline (and you girls came forward like a badass army, heaps of you added your friends without me even asking you to!).

We DID it. Thank you!

There are still 5 more days in December. What goals are you deciding you’re going to hit before 2021?