Sarah Arnold-Hall

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2021 Impossible Goal Setting: 6 Questions to Ask Yourself

2021 is SO close. That means if you haven’t already, it’s definitely time to set some goals for the next year.

I recently led a workshop on goal setting, and I thought I would share the most important questions I asked my attendees.

  1. What is your biggest, most impossible vision for your life? (Beyond this year, the next 5 or 10 years).

    • What do you really, really, really want? (Be honest)

    • If you’re struggling to answer, think about the categories of relationships, career, health, love, hobbies.

    • What are other people doing that you secretly love to do? 

  2. If you could only achieve 3 things that would get you closer to that vision this year, what would you want them to be?

  3. Which dreams are NOT coming true this year in order to make space for these ones? (Make an anti-goal list).

  4. Why is each of your three goals non-negotiable? Why are they important to you?

  5. What are you willing to do to make each of these three things happen?

  6. Of those things, what single action would GUARANTEE that each goal happens? Set that as your action step!