Sarah Arnold-Hall

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BE the Person You Want to Be

I was afraid of flying for 10 years.

Gripping the seat, silent crying, sweating through my clothes kind of fear.

I thought it was just who I was.

Then I rapidly changed my identity. I decided to become the kind of person who loves flying.

I showed up like her, I dressed like her, I ate like her.

I've taken more than 10 long-haul flights since then, and enjoyed every one.

Because now I'm the person who loves flying. It's who I am.

Changing your identity is THE key to creating any result you want.

Any. result.

Because the only way to get from A to B is to BE the person at B.

In other words, you have to BE the person who gets what you want – before you have it.

To say this idea has changed my life would be an understatement.

I've created a free workbook of the exact process I use to my goals.

This is how I started my business.

This is how I got fully booked.

This is how I overcame my fear of flying.

This is how I became fully location independent.

This is how I did 50 push ups in a row.

This is how I got 900 members into my group in a day.

This is how I climbed Mount Kilimanjaro.

This is how I got accepted into my 2021 mastermind.

This is how I'm achieving my impossible goals.

Get my free workbook here.