Being Fully Booked
For the first time since starting my business 2.5 years ago, I feel like I've had an entire week of working IN my business.
I coached 19 clients.
I sent notes to my clients.
I kept them accountable.
I posted on my blog.
I did marketing things.
I sent invoices.
I stopped working by 6pm.
I spent my evenings with my family.
I was actually living the life of a fully booked business owner, instead of the life of trying to become a fully booked business owner (where I’m running around like a crazy person to get things done).
And I've been fully booked for a wee while now – but this week finally felt like the first time where I just simply ran my business instead of trying to run one.
It feels so good.
But I also know that I am a goal-getter. You can't shake it out of me.
I will be going for the next level, like... *checks watch* …right now.
There is always another level. The fun is creating it, not achieving it.
But it does feel amazing to have achieved something I spent almost 1000 days creating.