Sarah Arnold-Hall

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November 2020 Goals

  1. Get all the systems in my business sorted. In the last 2 months, I've taken on 16 new clients, and my business has absolutely boomed (which if you've been following my journey is super exciting – until earlier this year, I spent 2 years not making it work before I got here). As a result, my systems and processes are no longer sufficient. Time to create some new ones and get my business in order!

  2. Do my physio exercises 3x a day. Last month I finally saw some improvement after almost an entire year of shoulder pain. This month, I'm ready to go to the next level and make my shoulder pain significantly reduce – or even recover. This is going to require some serious discipline from my brain.

  3. Go to bed by 12am every night. This is going to be the biggest challenge of all. I am a real night owl, and I find it super tricky to switch off (especially if my brain gets hold of an idea, then forget about sleeping, I'll be up all night). But I'm determined to get a better hold of my sleep so I can perform at my best each day.

What are your November goals? Let me know in the comments by clicking the title of this post!