Sarah Arnold-Hall

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Head in the Game

I’ve spoken on this blog before about Stephen Covey’s quote “The main thing is to keep the main thing, the main thing”, but it couldn’t be truer for me now than ever.

I’ve been working like crazy to qualify for the mastermind I want to join.

It’s the kind of goal you have to push EVERYTHING aside for.

I’ve stopped doing a lot of things that seemed important to me.

I haven’t been growing my group.

I haven’t been making YouTube videos.

I haven’t been running.

Not because they aren’t important to me.

But because my priority right now is to hit my most important goal.

And I’m willing to do whatever it takes.

Even if that means sacrificing the time I’m spending on some of my other less important goals.

I will be back to growing my group, making YouTube videos and running – soon.

But right now, I’ve got my head in the game.