Sarah Arnold-Hall

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Things I'm Learning From My Goals This Month

Things I'm learning from my goals this month:

  1. I'm never going to "feel like it." And that's okay, that's not a problem. Just do the thing anyway. I'll feel better after.

  2. Stretching myself beyond what I originally thought was possible has brought up all the fears I thought I'd handled already. Turns out, I'd only slayed my fears and monsters at level 1. Now that I'm upleveling, there's another level of fears and monsters to handle.

  3. Fear shows up in sneaky ways. This month, fear came in the disguise of new opportunities that I could take instead of sticking to my goal. They seemed like an easy way out, a justifiable way out.

  4. I have to live in the energy of it already being done. Whenever I step out of that energy, I step into TRYING to make it work, instead of COMMITTING to make it work. I have to remind myself every day that I'm willing to do whatever it takes – and then do it.

  5. How to make sacrifices in a helpful way. Am I willing to sacrifice sleep? Or time with family? We each have our limits. For me, one day of sacrificing those things isn't a problem. But what is my limit? I'm still learning.

  6. There is no actual real-world stress. The stress is only in my mind. There is only the task that is right in front of me. I am the one who is coating the experience in stress. Let the stress go.

What are you learning from your goals this month? Let me know in the comments!