Sarah Arnold-Hall

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What Changed in My Business

It took me two years to figure out how to make enough money doing what I love to support myself full-time (and not be eating pot noodles for every meal).

Two. actual. years.

Not two years of considering starting a business.

Two years of being in the thick of business, day in and day out.

Getting rejected.

Feeling confused.

Investing tens of thousands.

Being a starving artist.

Being told no. Again.

Sometimes, not even being told no. 

Just hearing... nothing.

Here's the thing:

Making your first dollar with your passion isn’t rocket science. 

1. You offer something

2. Someone buys it

You're in business.

But making consistent money with your passion? 

Money you can rely on coming in the door each month?

Never having to go back to another job?

That‘s a whole other ball game.

It takes something more than just passion and persistence.

It takes insight.

Trying to figure out what isn't working with your business when you're nose-deep inside it just doesn't work.

Because you can't read the label from inside the bottle.

That's where I was.

I was doing everything right. Showing up every day. Doing the work. Being persistent.

I was just persistently headed in the wrong direction. And I had no idea.

So what changed for me?

I got a mentor.

Someone who was exactly where I wanted to be.

Someone who could map it out for me.

Someone who could show me all the things I couldn't see. (There was a LOT). 

If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to get a mentor sooner. Asap.

Not a freebie course or a one-off chat.

Someone who will actually talk with you.

I'm a coach and I can help you make consistent income doing what you love.

But it doesn't have to be me.

It just needs to be someone you truly believe in.

Someone who is where you want to be, and can genuinely help you get there.

Not someone claiming they know. (Don't get a mentor who is secretly struggling with the same things as you).

This is possibly the most important thing you can do if you want to make consistent money doing what you love.

Don't make the same mistake I did and wait two years to make your business work.

Do it now.