New York Without Sight

If you closed your eyes and when you opened them, you couldn’t see – would your dreams still be the same?

Would you still want to move to New York?
Would you still want that designer wardrobe?
Would you still want a million followers on Instagram?

This test always brings me back to my true desires.

Yes, I’d still move to New York. I’d move there for the people, the dancing, the music, the excitement, the food, the possibilities.

No, I wouldn’t that designer wardrobe. I’d want to wear things that made me feel comfortable and presentable, but you can say goodbye Gucci.

No, wouldn’t want a million followers on Instagram. In fact, I don’t even think I want that now, with my sight.

Why do we set the dreams we set? What’s it all for? What really matters? When you can’t see, it all comes into focus.

This scenario happened to a friend of mine, Tiffany. On the day of her thirty-second birthday, she woke up totally blind for absolutely no reason. Her priorities suddenly shifted massively, and her true dreams came into full focus. She wanted to be an entrepreneur (by the way, she sold $1.7 million in her first year in an e-commerce business, while totally blind).

Food tastes better with your eyes shut because it blocks our sense of sight, which takes up so much of our brain processing power. When we block out sight, we allow our other senses like taste to come to the surface.

When I close my eyes, New York is still delicious. Gucci is not.

The things your heart truly desires will be just as good without sight.

(Ditch the rest of your desires, they aren’t real).

Sarah Arnold-Hall

Hey! I’m Sarah. I’m a High Performance Coach from New Zealand, living in Sydney. I help ambitious people take consistent action to hit their biggest goals in life and business. When I’m not coaching, you can find me salsa dancing and pursuing my own goals. Click here to get coached by me.


Do We Want the Process?


February Goals